Reflects my thoughts that the universe was set during the big bang, and after that all matter and molecules were like balls on a billiard table, before in order, now in chaos after beig hit, but fate is set, or at least predictable, in fact, not only fate but all of the events that occur, because if you knew the force and trajectory and hit area at which the balls were hit, the mass of the balls, and all the other relevant info, with a computer simulation you could exactly repeat those events on the billiard table, and exactly the same goes for our reality, because if you knew all of the info there like the force of the explosion, how much matter was there originally and etc, you could easily predict what would follow, provided you have an infinitely powerfull computer with almost infinite amounts of storage space, therefore I personally rule out the existence of randomness..... I replied your movie, now if you agree with my review reply to it too.